Kubernetes Administration

The Course Covers the following Topics
- Host, Variables, List, Array, facts
- Jinja Templates
- Handlers
- Roles
- Projects Live
- AWS Architecture via ansible


Dwija Vivek

Course Fee


Course Type


Available Seats





10.00 am - 12.00 pm IST

Course Dashboard

Traineee who has enrolled for different course will be available in the dashboard

Dashboard revels about your badge, course completion

Trainee Profile

A trainee will be able to change his/her settings

Profile management, name change, address change etc can be done here

Learing Materials

The way you learn, the way you should follow

The training materials will be provided in the following formats
- Text notes
- Videos
- Books/Kindle URL
- Presentation

Assessment Path

Learn without exam is of no use, assess how much you gained from the course

The assessement will be done in following ways - Quiz
- Descriptive Method
- Project Based

Face to Face Assessemnt

Direct Interview will build enough confidence in aspirants

A person will be assigned to take a mock interview and will make a note of what all things are being observed and absorbed